It’s summertime and the full array of beautiful fresh fruits are available in stores.  It is tempting to share some with your baby, however not all of them are safe and suitable for your little one.

Here are some characteristics to look for when choosing appropriate fresh fruit for your baby's introduction to solid foods:

  1. Soft texture: Opt for fruits with a soft and easily mashable texture. This helps ensure that your baby can handle the fruit and reduces the risk of choking.
  2. Ripe and fresh: Choose fruits that are ripe and in their prime. Ripe fruits are generally softer, easier to digest, and more flavorful, making them more enjoyable for your baby.
  3. Mild flavor: Start with fruits that have a mild and gentle flavor profile. This allows your baby to gradually explore new tastes without overwhelming their palate.
  4. Easy to digest: Look for fruits that are known to be easily digestible. Some fruits, like bananas and pears, are typically gentle on a baby's digestive system and less likely to cause discomfort.
  5. Minimal allergenic potential: When introducing fruits, it's advisable to begin with fruits that have a lower allergenic potential. Common low-allergenic fruits include bananas and avocados. As your baby tolerates these well, you can gradually introduce other fruits.
  6. Seedless or easily removable seeds: Avoid fruits with small seeds that could pose a choking hazard. If the fruit does have seeds, make sure they are easily removable or large enough that your baby can handle them safely.
  7. Organic and pesticide-free: Choosing organic or pesticide-free fruits can help minimize your baby's exposure to harmful chemicals. Wash all fruits thoroughly before offering them to your baby.

Below is a table providing a general guide for acceptable timing to introduce your baby to fresh fruit.

Fresh Fruit Introduction Guide 





Yes from 4-6 months

Often one of the first fruits introduced to babies due to their soft texture and natural sweetness.


Yes from 4-6 months

Rich in healthy fats and have a creamy texture that makes them suitable for babies.


Yes from 4-6 months

When ripe, pears are soft and easily mashed or pureed, making them a great option for babies.


Yes from 6-8 months

Ripe, soft, and juicy peaches can be pureed or mashed for babies to enjoy.


Yes from 6-8 months

Cooked and pureed apples or apple sauce can be introduced to babies. Start with softer apple varieties and gradually introduce other varieties as your baby grows.


Yes from 6-8 months

Ripe mangoes can be pureed or mashed for babies to enjoy. They have a naturally sweet taste and are packed with vitamins. Does have allergic potential.


Yes from 6-8 months

Ripe papaya can be mashed or pureed for babies. It offers a soft texture and is known for its digestive benefits.


With caution from 10 months

Once peeled and mashed, kiwi can be introduced to babies. Its small black seeds can be a choking hazard, so ensure they are removed. Contains enzymes that may cause some babies to experience mild digestive discomfort or diaper rash. Does have allergic potential.


With caution from 10 months

Can be suitable for babies, but it's important to introduce it with caution due to its high water content and potential for choking.


With caution from 12 months

Can be introduced to babies, but it should be done with caution due to its acidity and fibrous texture.


With caution from 12 months

Oranges are acidic fruits, so it's recommended to wait until around 12 months of age as this allows their digestive system to mature and reduces the risk of digestive discomfort or irritation.


With caution from 12 months

Can be introduced to babies, but they require caution due to their potential allergenicity.


Please remember that every baby is different, and it's important to observe your baby's individual reactions and consult with your pediatrician before introducing new fruits or foods. They can provide personalized recommendations and guidance based on your baby's specific needs, developmental stage, and any potential allergies or dietary considerations.

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